
August 9th, 2024 | 2 Entries

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2 Entries for “pizza”

  1. Couple of boxes cover all the counterspace, white lids still entrapping it’s treasure. A horde of hungry girls frantically grabbing for plain paper plates, some even thinking to get a napkin, before unearthing cheesy goodness.

  2. Yum. Not enough for me. Share a bit. I don’t care if you’ve only had two, I want another, and we both know that you’ve not got the stomach for three, and Brandon’s only had one, I mean look at the kid, all limbs and no height at the same time, maybe he needs it more than I do, but I’m selfish, admittedly, so I’ll take it please. One more’s all I ask. To recede into the depths of a grease induced heartache, if only to distract for a while, that’s all I ask.
