
August 10th, 2024 | 3 Entries

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3 Entries for “soccer”

  1. Went to a game or two growing up. Watched my cousin once. Did some senior pictures for my Mom’s friend’s son who was the star of the team, got to enter in a different realm for a little while.

  2. We could hear the hooting and yelling from the neighbor’s house. “Oh, it’s those men again. they love soccer,” my neighbor said. “It would be wonderful if they got off their butts and played it themselves.” When I passed the house, I could see she was correct – the pot-bellied men with their bottles of beer, cheering their team on, and maybe having a fantasy that they were on the team.

  3. i just read that the women’s soccer USA won the Olympics for the first time in 12 years. That’s a big deal. They say we’re the strongest power in the world — the US. I guess so, but we sure act like a bunch of assholes.
