
August 23rd, 2024 | 3 Entries

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Yo yo yo, the oneword™ podcast is back for Season 3.
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3 Entries for “zoo”

  1. Benjamin and Casey went to the zoo expecting to see red pandas and Siberian tigers frolicking in the sunshine. They expected a fun, relaxing day with their favorite animals. They did not expect to be in fear for their lives but that is what happened when Gary the Lion escaped from his enclosure with a rumbling hunger in his belly.

  2. When I entered the room, people were yelling at each other and throwing things. “Quiet” I yelled. They stopped what they were doing and stared at me. “I thought when I was outside that there was a zoo in this room.” They laughed and when looked like they were going to start up again, I yelled, “Next person who says anything is out of the program.”

  3. In the heart of a bustling city, the zoo stands as a sanctuary where the wild whispers its secrets. Amidst the chatter of visitors, children’s laughter harmonizes with the calls of exotic birds. Each enclosure tells a story of distant lands, colorful creatures, and the delicate balance of nature.

    But beyond the glass and fences, the animals watch with unblinking eyes, their instincts dulled by captivity. They remind us that freedom is not just a concept but a vital thread in the tapestry of life. As the sun sets, casting a golden hue over the paths, one realizes that a visit to the zoo is not merely entertainment; it is an invitation to reflect on our relationship with the natural world, a reminder to nurture and protect what inspires awe and wonder in us all.

    As twilight deepens, shadows dance across the pathways, and the nocturnal world awakens. The air is rich with scents of exotic flora and the echoes of distant roars. A lone lemur clings to a branch, its eyes sparkling with mischief, while the graceful glide of a flamingo casts a splash of pink against the dusk. Families watch elephants sway gently, wrapped in ancient wisdom, and whispers of conservation remind us that the zoo is not just a place of wonder but also a vital space for education and preservation. Each encounter forges a connection, underscoring our role as stewards of the planet and its creatures, both within the zoo and beyond. <3

    Zephaniah Moon