
September 9th, 2024 | 6 Entries

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6 Entries for “scientist”

  1. The scientist is white coat and details printed clearly in lines and columns and spreadsheets. If at first, it succeeds, try, try again about 30,000 more times, just to be sure.

  2. When the world resets itsself to the stone age, who will be there to lead man once more? Will our ideals get the better of our morality? Or can we use cold hard facts to mask as an excuse not our morality show.

  3. A man or woman in a white coat, in, most mysterious of places, a lab. .someone with the ability to think deeply, to analyse, to understand and see patterns and formulations someone who might find the cure for cancer or a vaccine for a virus or time and space travel.

  4. The scientist had done research on explosives, remembering his days in secondary school when his teacher would used chemicals to blow things up. But then when he saw what the explosives did, he quit the lab and studied literature, and became a poet. His words also blew things up.

  5. One of these uses many different beakers and different types of glass they also use Bunsen burners they use different chemicals they have a knowledge to create with crazy outcomes sometimes a lot of them don’t come from the heart that are behind evolution anyhow that’s what I feel a scientist is someone that can create things

  6. This person uses different beakers and different and Masters whatever it’s called he uses gas he uses a different chemicals to make different things moves from molecules into atoms and you name it pretty much they can do it they love to create
