
September 15th, 2024 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “police”

  1. Needed for society. They get a bad wrap due to some rotten apples. Can go on power trips sometimes but i believe most are out there trying to protect people and provide order within society.

  2. The police car creeps in the bush, silent white, before bursting out in red and blue and color. I saw a police car in China, still and silent but the lights were flashing. I asked what was wrong and my hosts were worried. “Nothing,” they said, “he’s probably just taking a break. Maybe eating his supper” and what a dangerous country I must live in to worry about such things. But colors have always meant “pay attention” to me. How hard it is to know a country by its headlines!

  3. He was 8 years old when the police first came searching the neighborhood. They were trying to find an escaped convict. But the police didn’t know how popular the convicts was with the youths who sheltered him.

  4. She hissed at him. “Control yourself.” He wanted to run out onto the street and try to send off a shot at the monster approaching them. “Police yourself,” she yelled again, not realizing that this was an intergalactic police force.
