
September 17th, 2024 | 6 Entries

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6 Entries for “nurse”

  1. is this thing public i juust wanna knowwww before i say something inappropriate and embarrass myself

  2. The nurse is quick with the needle. That’s a blessing. She keeps on talking as she caps the sample, keeping my thoughts from being able to focus on the next upcoming stab. It doesn’t hurt that much, I know, it’s only in my mind. I’ve done this before and it is never as bad as I am expecting. Still, I breathe slow and look away.

  3. The nurse was nursing the child while the other nurses attended to the other patients.

  4. He saw an injured bird in front of his house. He spent the next couple of days nursing it back to health. The bird started to sing in the mornings. He didn’t know how to keep a bird so he decided to let it free. The day he let it go was the same day he learned how good
    Hunters eagles are.

  5. The nurse looked at the doctor’s handiwork. The stitches were unevenly placed, instead of a neat row. She had been a doctor in her home country and had treated war wounds. She knew what a proper suture line looked like and wishes she could say something to the doctor but that wasn’t her role in this country.

  6. Brynley Arnold is a nurse. So is Lauren, technically, and Liz. I dont think I could ever do that. Although I am watching Grey’s now, which makes me pay more attention than I ever have. Ugandan babies definitely need nurses.