
September 24th, 2024 | 5 Entries

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5 Entries for “actor”

  1. Actor, face for sale, emotions upon request, does anyone wonder if you are all a lie?

  2. He just won the best actor award, got a standing ovation, even saw a couple celebrity’s cry during his speech. But why did he still fell empty? Wasn’t this all he wanted? He was missing something but could not name it.

  3. She felt like an actor in her own life. She just didn’t have the script but it seemed to print itself out as she went along. Then one day in a bookstore, she found the book with the script in it – but the other pages in the book were blank.

  4. Sheen is an actor. So is Daryl Hannah. It is no longer a gendered word. An actor is one who plays the part of another character. Characters (thus the art of acting) may be seen in theatre, movies, or television, to name a few.

    Jean McCartney
  5. Performer. Someone who, for the space of a story, incarnates a story’s character.


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