
September 25th, 2024 | 3 Entries

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Yo yo yo, the oneword™ podcast is back for Season 3.
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3 Entries for “writer”

  1. I am a writer but the best ideas happen when my hands are full, when I am elbows deep in dishwater or driving or swirling around at work.

  2. The writer sat under the tree, trying to write down everything she saw and heard in her immediate area, the wind through the branches, the sound of traffic, the screams of the children playing, the caterpillar crawling on her laptop. She sat there all afternoon and when it got too dark and she could hear the sounds of dusk, she returned home. She had not documented everything yet, but there were more days in her life.

  3. She was tired. The execs did not like the finished draft of season 2 and they thought they knew better than her. She had done this before yet now that her show was popular, she was forced to rewrite her second seasons because it didn’t test well with execs.

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