The horn of Africa was a dangerous place, but on a map, it just looked colorful. He knew that the countries of Somalia, and Eritrea were in the middle of conflicts. but he wanted to go there. He put down his camera equipment and checked his ticket to Nairobi. Soon he would find out for himself. If things were difficult in those places, he could go to Djibouti or Ethiopia, and still wow is friends on social media that he was broadcasting from the horn of Africa.
The horn of Africa was a dangerous place, but on a map, it just looked colorful. He knew that the countries of Somalia, and Eritrea were in the middle of conflicts. but he wanted to go there. He put down his camera equipment and checked his ticket to Nairobi. Soon he would find out for himself. If things were difficult in those places, he could go to Djibouti or Ethiopia, and still wow is friends on social media that he was broadcasting from the horn of Africa.