
March 30th, 2009 | 326 Entries

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326 Entries for “bracelet”

  1. I had a bracelet when I was a little boy…only one in my life. It was an ID bracelet. It turned my wrist green…I can’t believe I actually wore a bracelet. My wife doesn’t really wear them now..I wonder if I married her because of some subconscious hatred for bracelets. Although I thought the green wrist was cool…thought I was the hulk.

    patrick morris
  2. A ring
    A cirlcle
    Shimmer of beauty

  3. worn by people who have dumb things to display. normally constructed our of some firm material and fitted into a circular shape.

    Andrew Dewar
  4. Bracelets are always too big on me. They fall towards my hand and bang against my desk. I have a pile of bracelets behind my computer screen.

  5. The braclet was a symbol of how much i cared about us. I bought it in Dubai the day you broke up with me. I was sorry that we havent spent much time together and wanted to give you something to remember me by while im maway

  6. The bracelet held heavily the weight of the guilt it brought with it as a gift across the dinner table. He sighed knowingly as she forced a weak smile past the face of contentment she had grown into over the years. Silence at the dinner table.
