
January 12th, 2009 | 286 Entries

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286 Entries for “favorite”

  1. My favorite word: not favorite. I think it’s because of Flavorite, that generic house brand of my youth. Such a perversion, of taste.

  2. Favorite things are things we hold close to us, through everything. They give us comfort, hope, something to look forward to. Sometimes, even, a sense of motivation and purpose. No matter what one’s “favorite” may be, they are fundemental parts of our life that give us the happiness, meaning and sometimes even courage to continue in this life that plagues us all.

    Ben Cullimore
  3. My favorite things to do are play tennis, go to the lake, spend time with family, and build things. Favorite is a strong word. You can have a lot of like things, but favorite is something you love to do. Not like to do. Everyone has a favorite item, person, or place. When you say favorite next time, think is it a like or love.

    Andrew Bukhshtaber
  4. My favorite things to do are play tennis, go to the lake, spend time with family, and build things. Favorite is a strong word. You can have a lot of like things, but favorite is something you love to do. Not like to do. Everyone has a favorite item, person, or place. When you sat favorite next time, think is it a like or love.

    Andrew Bukhshtaber
  5. raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens.

  6. Favorite is everything I love. It is red, it is friends, it is music, it is clothes. We live with favorites, if involuntarily.
