
Each day is a struggle for sanity.
Alarms sound like battle horns
blinds draw like swords
words strike like daggers
glares pierce like bullets
and your hatred explodes like falling bombs.
You thunder through like rumbling tanks
rapid-fire machine guns ready
I am your target
you take aim
I duck
but not well enough.
I patch up my wounds
with shattered confidence
and a depleting supply of hope
and courage
Enough courage for tomorrow
and tomorrow's tomorrow.
And all the tomorrows
added up and compiled
will never be enough
to fix all my yesterdays
and erase all my mistakes
like meeting you.
Because every day is a struggle for sanity
a tipping scale of diminishing returns
a carefully balance three legged chair
And you are the wind
threatening to topple me over
with your breath.
Each day is a struggle for sanity
and I dread the day
that "fight" becomes "fought".