They fought about most things, about everything, from the sky being blue to someone being up there, they never stopped fighting, the worst part, i always heard them fighting, the voices in my mind.
And sometimes, i joined in.
She sits still as the world forms around her. A virtual world of her imagination filled with beauty. The magnificent colors fold into the landscape. She sits ever so still and watches, enchanted. The sky is purple and blue. The grass is green and yellow. The sun is orange and gold. The colors make up her world, only hers. It's peaceful and quiet. Everything is still.
If i change my name will everything be the same?
If I change my hair would anyone care?
If i wear a new shirt, if i wear new pants, if i change my style?
Does it matter?
They were lost in their own world of wonder. Stars filled their skies. The colors were brilliant blues and purples. Their world formed around them and soon they realized they couldn't get out, and they didn't really want to.
Always Wonder
Always wonder Why
Why should I?
Why can't i?
Why shouldn't I?
Wonder how.
How can I help?
How can I?