And it was he who blamed me. He blamed me for dying on the inside. Blamed me for hurting him. Blamed me for hurting. Blamed me for giving up when I was the only one giving. He blamed me. I didn't blame him. But I was so tired of blaming myself.
And the feeding frenzy began. They swarmed on the dead man. In only a handful of seconds his flesh was torn from his muscles, his muscles from his bones. His bones didn't even remain. They shredded and cracked them.
I walked silently along the beach, watching the waves come to shore and dash back away again. I glanced over at the hand in mine, she carried a fistful of shells, her grin brighter than the setting sun next to us. What a day.
And in the end, we all go out in pairs. I mean socks, pant legs, partners, buddies, eyes, hands feet. It's all a pair o' something. And without our matching pair, we're all miserable. Nothing is complete without their pair nothing. So yes our pairs are always need and always the best
And she was strung up by the simple strings of a pupateer. Trained to dance and smile and pretend she was okay. Strung up to do what everyone said and obey no matter what. It was sad really, what society trained her to do. What the saddest part was, was when she realized I was her.