The full spectrum of the situation cannot be understood by reading the outward dynamic alone. She looked at her pea coat. This must be what caused the whole thing. This stupid thrift store coat.
"So what else can we burn?" She kicked through a pile of rubble near the edge of the rooftop, her worn shoes scuffed and blackened. He watched her as she bent to pick up a piece of a what was once a child's blanket.
She needed an alibi, and fast. She looked down at her hands, and realized that she hadn't yet felt them. Blood dripped from her fingertips, and splattered onto the glassy ground.
The sunlight hit the surface of the balloons as she threw them into the sky. Each had a special secret wish attached to it, released to the universe. The air was filled with colorful wishes!
Foreign winds blew towards him as he gazed upon the horizon. The day was just beginning, and deeply bright colors cascading from a distant point of light in the sky. He looked to the east, toward the heavens, and prayed for a peaceful journey.
The acoustics bounded back from the trees, surrounding the camp as the firelight bounced back in musical unison.
My thirst for nourishment stops me from seeking it. It is as if I am standing in a vast desert, and the oasis is right in front of me, yet I do not step toward it for fear that it is an illusion. I must learn to step forward, because be it illusion or not, I cannot quench my thirst unless I know. The next one might be the real thing.
The integrity of the beam seemed questionable, but he took a step onto it nevertheless. He balanced each move forward with the skill of a tightrope artist, flawlessly navigating it's narrow width. As he reached the end, he exhaled, then drew a long pull from his cigarette. Heights never were his thing.
Strength is seen in numbers greater than one person can face alone. Strength is seen in the one person that faces the greater numbers knowing that they are outnumbered-alone. Strength is in the eye of the beholder, what you believe you have of it, is yours.
Success is an indefinable term, as we all apply our own meaning to it. What is success to you? Is it money? Is it happiness? Is it defeating your enemies, ruling the weak, or aiding them?
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