The boa wrapped itself around my neck and as I choked for breath all I could suck in was feathers... So.Many.Feathers.
I was drawn to him like a magnet. Even though he was far from perfect with his crooked nose and uncomfortable laugh. I jus adored those features even more. He was awkward and so was I that was all that mattered to me.
There is none. I never expierence patience from others. They are always in a rush to leave or a rush to live. Never having the patience to just relax and be.
The ring on the table motivated me to get up and grab coasters for all the guests. But they continuously forgot to put their cups back on them. I felt like a control freak if I kept putting them back so I jus left it.
"...and all that jazz." The lady in beautiful red finished up her dance number. Sliding across stage one foot dragging behind, I watched mesmerized. As I felt the amazment slowly sink in and I wished I was her.
The motel's sign shown bright from the wet road and mom suggested we stop. I looked at the run down old building and grimaced.
"Can't we find a different building to spend a dark, rainy night in?" I protested.
Then the caterpillar becomes a beautiful butterfly and I watch frozen as I have been ever since the caterpillar wrapped itself. I tried to move now that it was free but couldn't.
"I'm stuck here forever." I realized.
I smiled sweetly at the direc tor and he chuck led.
“don’t you play the inocent act very well.” He stated, laugh ing again, then turned to the other audi tion ers and usered me on the stage as well.
I then get up and try to blend among the other actors but the Director keeps pulling me forward to stand apart and act with all eyes on me. I blush but continue and then I catch a glimpse a girl angrily staring me down...