
People say that life has many twists and turns. It can take you one way, then suddenly veer off in an unexpected direction.
Its confusing
As are people
The problem with people is, we all have our own thoughts. We cant control other people. So when they look us in the eye and betray us, we feel distraught, and utterly confused.
If I wanted to escape, I could. Nothing's really stopping me from doing such a thing.
But every time I start to walk away, I wonder if anyone would miss me?
Would they remember me? Would they care at all if I left?
And then I think. . .
At least If I'm here. . .
I'm still alive.
I still exist.
I matter.
Some people are always happy, surrounded by a bright yellow or orange light that seems to make the world shine brighter. Some are normal, always melding in with the usual green area.
There are the lovers, who colour your eyes in pinks and reds with hearts fluttering around
And some are sad.
Engulfed by the blacks, grey and blues of life.