if i had to call this place one thing, i'm not sure how else i could put it.
Sterilized furniture.
Obsessively organized 'decorations' that leave one with the taste of peroxide and fascism.
It's really a touch oppressive for a retirement home.
I collect these things. These things that stand as terrible testaments to my obsession with pedantry. No, not that pedantry.
They live as my pedantry pantry. my Ped-antry.
I turn to them when i want to feel like i have room for myself on them.
The thing is a fountain of thirst.
It needs not only what it desires but what it is that you desire.
A thing that feeds on your blood and bone to create something as much in your image as its, but always with the remnant of thirst.
you'll bleed for it, oh yes, and it will feed, but it will always thirst for more. and so will you.
A word associated with all of the stuffy old book learned bullshit of a thousand million crappy papers and i have to be the one that heads the operations of their goddamn association?