My parents told me not to so I probably shouldn't; However, it's been a while since I listened to what they had to say. I guess I'll do it anyway. :)
I can't approach anyone to make anything better. Fear of approach you could call it. (As well as the fear of being approached). ScArY! :S eek.
American Heritage. I don't even know why policy reminds me of that class. All I know is I don't understand either. \m/(-\/)\m/ rock on. the end. policy policy policy policy policy
There is only one thing in this world that can make me feel whole. Without it I am lost, alone and confused. Without it there is something missing. I am so blessed that I have it as part of my life because there are so many people who don't know what is missing in their lives. It's the gospel. It is God. It is my savior. Without this I am nothing.
Shape up. Don't let life get you down. There are so many reasons to stay down when you fall, but there is no reason why you shouldn't get back up. Don't listen to the negativity in your mind. There's always hope.
I felt wanted when he hugged me close to him and I turned slowly to embrace him in what happened to be my first kiss. It was the first time I had ever felt that way. Completely wanted. Which is why I felt so horrible when he didn't talk to me the next day. Or the next. Or the next. I was alone and forgotten. I was everything that I wished I would never been--everything I had feared I would become. Overwhelming sadness, fear and hatred overcame every part of my being. My feelings overflowed. Tears streamed down my cheeks for a week afterward...and perhaps longer than that. No one knows how long it takes to cure this broken heart because it is still broken. This is the second time.