the one time i find the man i've been searching for. he understands me, cherishes me, treats me like a princess. he makes me feel like the only girl in the world, like a gem. when i'm with him i can hardly breathe. he is amazing, and i'm really falling for him. and tomorrow, i'm moving seven hours away. how is this fair.
I stand for a lot of things, things that shape, mold and define me. I stand for things that compile me as a person. Why are people known more for the things they own, think, or believe instead of simply for being; because now, being's not enough. people want more.
focus. on what you have, on what is front of you. work hard to get this right. after all, i only have this one life. try harder, i don't get a second chance at this.
falling out of my sanity. i'm falling. why dosen't he call, why dosenn't he want me. am i not good enough for him? i'm too naive, to be in this place. i don't know what to do with myself. it's pathetic when you're drinkning by yourself.
driven to the edge. driven to insanity. ticking, time bombs is all we are. driving ourselves into a hole. driving ourselves to our demise. drink up, be merry, because life is fleeting, and it will drive you straight into the grave.
wash your hands of me.
wash your hands of the filth that covers them, we are good boys and girls, no lies cheating and deceit should stain our fresh garments. don't let them see through your pretty little lies.
i smile every time i think of summertime. atermelon, dancing, children, love laughing, family, inside jokes, whispers.
childhood, when everything was perfect in your own little world. where a smile was the currency of children.
brave is standing up, forgiving, moving foward, picking yourself up, loving people. offering yourself no matter what. loving someone regardless of adversity. being yourself. living, loving, dancing, laughing; that is bravery.