
her body was aching, the cold Michigan weather was not at all complimentary to her old bones and joins. she could hear them cracking as she stood to make a cup of tea, under her breath she muttered to no one at all, "arthritis".
Walking down the fairway I was surprised to see the clown on stilts. I started to giggle. He was at least 13 feet tall and his hair was big and purple. There were children surrounding him and he was instructing them to take the balloons that were tied to various pegs on the long wooden stilted legs.
quick, fast, never ending responsibilities... frenzy
she was adorned beautifully. her slender wrists both covered with jeweled bangles, so many that it almost looked as if it would be heavy to wear. on her feet were delicate chains that made a soft tinkling as she danced to the heavy drums.
the smells of Italian food coming from my mothers kitchen... oregano and garlic. Stuffed shells was on the menu for the night. my mouth watered in anticipation as i imagined the cheese filled pasta covered in a rich tomato sauce.
tumble weeds rolling across the freeway in New Mexico, the hot burst of air coming in the window was not much relief and i'd long ago grown tired of feeling my hair lashing at my cheeks as it was thrown about by the wind.