you cannot measure anything with such a word. a matter of opinion perhaps. but to each their own. dull, is a dull word, lets leave it at that.
in the minds of the wicked, in the minds of the poor, in the minds of the anyone, with nothing more then a dream, their thoughts, their conscience, minds are war, mine's divided.
the start of something magical. the ending of something magical. that perfect and beautiful limbo between the ice and the sun. harmony.
cannot be defined. based upon the assumption that we all are living out of the lives were were supposed to in the way we were supposed to. treat others the way you want to be treats. seems simple enough. but everyone is selfish. deep down. EVERYONE has other motives.
i suppose correctly. i suppose incorrectly. i suppose that sometimes we can be more then what we think. higher then our minds can fathom, and sometimes lower and darker then we ever thought possible. i suppose that inside, we an animals, and in our darkest days, are pure evil.
edge of the mountain. edge of your mind. live each day to edge of every possibility. dream each night off the edge and beyond. dream big, and live amongst the stars. fly across to the end of the universe and jump of the edge. LIVE.