gone with the wind before I had a chance to grab it falling through second chances and memories of what used to be. gone in me gone in your sea of you and I what we used to sing.
crisply whisping my memories of who I used to be uncovering the new me underneath what I wanted to see hurts a bit to shower in the truth but i'm glad i'm freshening up too
you don't always mean to say the things you day you mean them from a certain place but sometimes the way that they come out isn't meant to be.... quite so mean sometimes words arrive and then haunt the minds of those unfortunately in their path.
something and a place i visited a lot as a kid my dad would always take me and I'd stand around with all of his cousins by their cars .. just visiting with one another. I saw my grandpa walk by me once at Tillie's son's funeral...
ooo how people dont like the chalkboard immediately they go for the memory of the sound of when someone scratches their nails on the chalkboard, no fun