
Today is not going to be that day. I have one hour, ten minutes and five seconds left of this day and that is far to long. If only I were sneakier. Or older. Less conspicuous. I just want to go home.
But I didn't want that. So I just sat there, waiting for something else to happen, hoping a distraction would rouse me from my seat before I had to make up an excuse to get the hell out of there.
Around my sister's head was a perfect ring of textured gold. I could not compete.
Well that was uncalled for.
Storm storm storm. I stormed over.
Just because you're angry doesn't give you the right...
Measure it correctly, I told him. Calmly.
The sighed, then sighed again, then sighed and sighed.
It was the longest day.
She sat in the corner and stared at the wall, never once letting her eyes focus too much on the crowd around her. She wanted to sink into the floor, like so many times before. Just melt, flow under, into a small sticky pool under the floor, then reform and escape through the catacombs inside the walls, run and run and finally step - and breathe, take in the cool night air. And then, finally, go home.
Smoked turkey. She could smell it coming from the kitchen.
"You made appetizers, Crews?"
He grinned. "Of course! A dinner party wouldn't be a dinner party without some kind of meat wrapped in bacon."
She stuck out her tongue at him, but started toward the kitchen, her mouth watering. Why was everything about him so damn tempting?
Smoked turkey. She could smell it coming from the kitchen.
"You made appetizers, Crews?"
Me grinned. "Of course! A dinner party wouldn't be a dinner party without some kind of meat wrapped in bacon."
She stuck out her tongue, but started toward the kitchen, her mouth watering. Why was everything about him so damn tempting?
I am opposed to this thesis -- morally, viscerally, and every bloody which way. I am "anti" this thesis. Get it? Ha. Ha. Ha. Now I am patting myself on the back because of how clever I am. Sigh.
She cranked the old Neon into second gear and it scraaaatched up onto the concrete.
"What are you waiting for? Go! Go!" She wailed at Jerry, who was just sitting there, still buckled in, as if nothing was happening.
She hadn't given it much thought before, but supposed he was right.
"I'll have to try the next town over, then."
"So you shall." He shut the book with a *slap* and handed it back to her. She winced, and placed it gingerly inside her bookbag.
On the road again, it seemed. When would she find a proper home for this novel?
She popped her lips and stared into the mirror. Everything was ok except her hollow eyes and pale skin - like she had been in a bunker for the winter and had just re-emerged. Maybe the lips would distract from her deathmask.
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