The accuracy of the shot was undeniable. A single bang, ringing ears, tired, powder coated hands.
Her willpower had failed her, seemingly without conscience. She had given up. "Screw it." She let go and fell, fell, fell, until she could fall no more.
the 'nilla wafer was the last one in the box they reached for it simultaneously each had a hold of the wafer salivating instead of solving the problem as would King Solomon she snatched the 'nilla wafer out of his unsuspecting fingers
lullaby lullaby sweet sweet lullaby lull me to sleep bring me sweet dreams to dream of dreamy faraway lands in which I am a princess or perhaps a queen
simplify your life; simplify your thoughts; simplify work; simplify expectations; simplify family; simplify your being, your everything, your world
my credibility went down like a falling rocket I had been caught in a web of lies causing a ripple effect throughout my life I ruined everything I had worked for for all those years all because of one measly temptation
I stared at the timeline with glazed-over eyes. I'm so sick of studying. I was totally daydreaming in the library stacks. Imagining a life without books, and shit to learn and/or memorize, mostly the latter.
today is one of those hard days when sorrow and melancholy ensue we lost you ten years ago this year today is your birthday it would have been number 29 I love you RIP KBD
enemies are everywhere no one wants to see them to admit that they exist there are far fewer good people than bad crazy jealous intimidating selfish narcissistic assholes
The old crow ate carrion to its heart's content. Black as a raven, the crow nibbled at roadkill until a car barreled in its direction. The crow knew it was time to leave the blue and enter the black.
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