
he loved to watch her laugh. there was something scintillating about her smile. she lit up the area, the room, the people around her. he would often notice that when she laughed, she attracted the attention of everyone around. not awkward or weird attention, but you could see the interest in their face when they looked at hers. she was the definition of laughing.
Alcohol. All alcohol is dizzying -- just on different flavorful levels. Bourbon tastes like tree sap. Similar to gin. Both remind me of older people sitting on the porch with double shots in high ball glasses, nothing else. I don't think I'm a fan of bourbon. I've had it all but can't recall a bourbon drink I liked, or can even remember. I like Mai Tais. Sweet, fruity, pretty.
i am a tornado of questions and wonders. an ever moving, kinetic, ball of incomprehensibilities. many many things that i cannot understand nor make sense of. things that baffle my mind endlessly.
something (ridiculous) kept telling her they were meant to be. destined to love one another for all time. something (entirely stupid and reckless) inside her clung to his abusive ways and accusatory tone for far longer than anyone (in their right mind) could or should. what kind of disposition must one have to spend every waking moment searching for the negativity and disappointment in life (wtf)?
an entrance and an exit are one in the same. even if the door, window or opening only flows one way. it's merely the way you look at it. like a half full half empty type deal. either you're coming or you're going and only you can decide. make it an entrance, or make it an exit.
what does it mean to be civilized? to act properly? to do things and respond to situations according to societal standards? interesting. this would infer that one would either innately know or learn these things. .. much like the elusive "common sense". ...
fresh. what kind of fresh? like doug e. fresh? or fresh fruit? do you mean fresh like flirty? or fresh as in "i opened the bread the other day and there's no twist tie on it but it should still be 'fresh'"??
i like to be dominant. particularly in physically expressive sexuality. i exert my inner testosterone and take charge. it's always a good time.
mass. hmmm.. oddly, i don't have much to say and what i do have to say might border the lines of things that shouldn't be shared. regardless, my grandmother once told me that an ultrasound technician told her that there was a "mass" on her kidney. she didn't tell me until years after, but i think it was a cancer of some sort and i think that it's what eventually took her life.
i am happy. i don't feel it, i can't see it and it's as quiet as a church in here, but i know in my heart i'm happy. i might not be all that happy today, right here - right now, but i'm happy in my heart, in my spirit and in my soul. my mind has a mind of it's own and while it might be choosing to be unhappy, the rest of me knows that there's too much to be happy about to be unhappy!! and so, with that.. i'm telling you i'm happy. i don't quite believe it, but i need you to.
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