
I did this yesterday so Im going to type it "gladly".
I was was going home from school and I was bored so I ran home. When I got home I was so tired, my mom gve me a cup of water and I took it gladly.
It was a hazy day all of the stuff that was happening in the last days were confusing. First my neighbors stood up all night in thier garage. Then the went to the park then unfortunatly there was a bomb set off at the park and the weren't killed. I was crushed to find out that they were muslim and that they almost died but barely survived the bombing.
I was running with my friend in a race and I was getting on his heels then he droped and then I was going to go and pass him but I stopped and picked him up and helped of the track.
It was raining heavily where I was hiding so I quikly got out and and started to bunch up my knok down tent and I rand off toward the cave I saw earlier.
I was sitting down painting the paint that was to camoflage my body It was the last day of the war and we were going to win if we get to the front line before the enimy does so quikly got my gun then got in the the truck and was off to war.
I sat while painting the camoflage on my face it was the fith day of the war and it was geting very intence I cuickly strapped on my helment and got my gun I was the off in the feild
The crrency is a current of money as you know but is also is moving all the time!!!!!!! So you need to be pro active to get on top of your money and win.
I had alot of wealth in my home and I was very rich every day I would go to colege in a limo and every body treated me as King Bob (from "The Minnions").
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