I like when stuff is cheap and not expensive because you don't have to pay as much money for something if it is cheaper. I like to shop and most of the things I look for are to expensive.
Sometimes when you are down you can get a boost of confidence from your friends to make you a more confidence person.
It's wrong to lie and sometimes I am wring about things. I usually fight with my brother and my mom says that have to say that I'm wrong and my brother or my mom is right.
Stamps are so special to letters. Some stamps are very cool and pretty because they have pictures on them.
Sometimes when I don't get enough food a through a temper tantrum. I don't like when your in a movie and a kid starts to through a temper tantrum. Like in hockey when someone scores I through a temper tantrum because sometimes we lose and I don't like to lose! I hate this website! its not working and it is giving me a temper tantrum.
I'm a believer in Santa Clause is real and I hope that I'm on his good list not his bad list or else I will get coal, and I don't like coal. I which that I could meet Santa and see what he really look like. Santa is awesome.
willow is a tree that hangs over and it looks really sad. I really like those trees but they look like they shed a lot. willows are so cool to see them in the fall time because they change different colors.
You can us teeth for eating and a lot of other things. Dogs, cats, people, and a lot more and they are used to chew and a lot of other things.
Admit is to tell someone the truth about something like if you lie you should admit if you did it of not. You should always admit something if you do something wrong and try not to lie.
Transport i don't think that that is a good name. It reminds me of sport because it has the word sport in it.
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