On a piece of cardboard I drew a heart, I then cut it out. Since I carried it everywhere I go. And once in a while I'll stencil it somewhere I hope someone will see it!
he was so small, so fragile. Suzy kept looking at that tiny human being whose life now depended on the incubator. She hadn't thought she could feel that much anguish for another being.
From the moment she met him, he became a huge influence on her. She always did as he wanted, or as he asked. It could have been a good thing but, he wasn't the type to do good things.
and trouble ensued... I couldn't believe it would take such a big proportion. It had started with a simple little incident and now it was as if World War III had erupt.
There he was, again. It had been over a week and it was starting to really creep Everett out.
The crow, was standing on the line right across from his window. He wouldn't croak, he would just stare at Everett, morning and night. Everett actually wondered if he actually ate anything at all. If he was a superstitious man, he would wonder what was in store for him...
She was sitting alone, reading a novel. She could not believe she was living her dream. Sitting in this country, in this city, in a little Café, with a bowl of café au lait. She was finally where she was meant to be.
Always look ahead. If you can't see what's coming how are you to prepare for it? The future is where we are going, so look forward and dive head first.