I'm a coward, he thinks to himself. He's constantly searching for the way out, trying to make it so that he doesn't have to show his flaws once there are other people around. He's spent so much time priding himself on not caring what other people thought, but yet here he was. A hypocritical coward.
Her fragrance was extravagant. He can't tell you exactly what she smells like, just that he was completely enamored with the smell. She wore no perfume, that much he knew for sure. It was just shampoo and her. And that was perfect. Just one whiff sent him in a euphoric daze.
Alarms go off every second of every day. But how often, do you find yourself ignoring them? Shouldn't they be something we watch out for? Shouldn't we care more about which lines we can cross and when we know we're about to speed across them?
How could something so small, so minuscule compared to everything be harmful. Just one too many would end her life. And that's what she was searching for- the one too many. She couldn't help but feel nervous as she shook out the pills. They were bright blue against the palm of her hand.