I have this big stupid barrel, okay well it's not stupid
I'm wearing, but not because I'm fat and nothing else fits it's because there's a sadie hawkins dance
and I'm afraid to ask the cute boy
Maybe I'll put some flowers in my hair
I don't look to bad in this barrel
It's not like the bottle where I keep my emotions
violet rays of sunshine , raining down on an empty pavement .
violet rays of sunshine , dancing a boring back drop .
violet rays of sun ,
Everything I've done .
Full of emotion and feeling .
A record of every regret and every risk .
A story that hold all the tears and smiles of past .
Moments , a collection of moments .
Moments that had no impact told with moments that shattered my world .
Moments that brought a laugh said in time with moments that healed my soul .
Always following me no matter where i go , a trailer full of everything I've ever known .
Every last regret every last laugh , fills this trailer always on my behind .
Some times i wish i could leave this trailer behind , with every last fear it reminds me of .
But in the end I wouldn't give it up for the world , it carries around memories I'll never get back and people I may never again get to see .
Always following me no matter where i go , a trailer full of everything I've ever known .
Every last regret every last laugh , fills this trailer always on my behind .