Fuel! I need fuel! Give me the damn dead fossil fuel! Tidy up you say!? Miss the point you say!? I reckon you don't have a single hair of fine line in you ya damn prick! Now give me the fuel!
Loosely tied to the fleshy knot. Circle strafe and crevice locked. It took it tore with it my sound. Of blood so fresh it would not confound. The loop de loop was once again undone. And I rode around all day in the warm, bright, sun.
Tasteless evens in broken sharps of tangible mixes with edges ripped up the ceilings. It was so beautiful to see them tanning in the wind, broken, tasteless, with sunglasses that could burn through a man's heart. And then, then I came.
Many many all around. Keeping quiet, make a sound! Loud is the echo does go and so it rolls on and on! Forever there forever low. Pickled turnips shall behold the glorious taste of eggs so sweet. Make them sweet, make them meet.
Covered over me like the blood over it. I could not stand the stench. Filthy! Filthy little liars and cowards all soaked on my apron! It's appalling to me, sickening, making me feel ill, quickly, oh, now, that is a light!
Prickly little friends ache in my toe. They hold me back too and fro. Though bite they may they kiss so sweet. I've got the really sweaty feet you seek. Of course you may and of course you might. I'm quite scary in the mask of night. And that's alright.
The base, the carved base. It broke, the tunnel collapsed, in the end, and it made terrible noise. Monsters collided at it and based the world in veins of cold. I cried never during this time but all them didn't listen to my cause of brokenness with endless sheer.
Shining in the basking light these was these little specks of dust. They grew so violently, so extravagantly, until I blew it all up. I ended the shine, the mast, it broke. And the glimmer shined no more. It was lost, forgotten, a glimpse in my eye. Forever gone. Forever lost.