The fluorescent lights hummed gently in the background- an odd, thrumming sound that was strangely comforting. She glanced up to see Castle hovering in his usual borderline creepy manner, trying futilely to see the file that she was poring over. "Seriously, Castle? If you want to see just ask!" "But this is way more entertaining!" he said impishly.
I feel like a robot sometimes. Just going through the motions, doing what everyone expects me to do- I'm the "good kid," the oldest, the one who doesn't screw up, the one who always comes through when you need someone. Well, sometimes robots get tired. And occasionallyt we screw up. One robot to anotherr- it's okay to mess up- you're still loved, even when it doesn't feel like it.
I want to trust you so badly. Everything about you, from your gentle manner of speaking to your amazingly calm eyes to your unintimidating presence screams "trust me! I'm the ONE!" But I can't. I've been hurt too many times by almost anyone I've ever trusted. Another time, another place. Maybe. But not today.