confused doc

Yesterday was fathers day! actually very day is dads day! when is he not there for us? when is he not willing to make time to hang out? he is always ready to move around his appointments to accompany me to the movies or an exhibition, if i have no one else to go with! Such a dad is a treasure! I am indeed fortunate to have him and i am sure my sister would second that.
This word always reminds of the character Barney Stinson from how i met your mother. I don't think there are many from my generation for which this is not true. But as an other character from the same show once said, repeated usage of this word makes it ineffective. I would conclude by saying that ever since i got my acceptance letter life seems legendary. Colours are much sharper, Sun is brighter, air smells pleasant. Even the weather seems to celebrate with me!. The hot humid days of summer with its scorching sun have gone. In their place are the much awaited rains, The air smells of wet soil which is among my favourite smells. The temperature had suddenly dropped, resulting in cold and cough for me as usual. But i savoured every sneeze, every cough because it means that it is hot and unpleasant no more. I am thankful for the pleasant climes!
I try to stay away from unhealthy eating best as i can! ever since i started calorie counting and working out regularly i have seen huge differences in my body. Not only did I shed the pesky persistent pounds that i had been trying to lose but i also look better. My skin and hair are healthier and glowing.
I have a lot of savings. That is because i still live with my dad. It is the more practical alternative. What is he gonna do living in a big nice apartment alone. I can barely afford squalor with the money i earn as a junior medical officer. Best case scenario, i wont starve. SO i chose the easier way out. stay with dad till i get to leave cochin for good. Now i have a good chance to do that. A great opportunity is finally here. I am so grateful for that. I love dad and will sorely miss him, but i am glad to get this wonderful opportunity. I have been waiting for it for so long. I thank god everyday, that i finally have enough savings that would get me started in the new city, get all things that i need, cover my airfare and other miscellaneous expenses. The rest of it will be covered by my loan. Thank you good lord again for being most bounteous in your mercy!!!!!
setup the patsy to take the fall. That was the strategy of the leader of the gang. The patsy was obviously some lowly gang member with a record. So it was not very difficult to set him up
The pathway that led up to the old fashioned mansion was littered withe dead leaves and fallen branches. The house itself had a forbidding and menacing appearance. The pathway only made it look more unwelcome.
I am not really afraid of the dark. But my sister is. Every sound, flutter of the curtains in the breeze will seem sinister and ghostly. I do not like sharing a room with her after seeing a scary movie that she insisted on. Because she wont sleep and wont let me either. But try as i might if we have a sleepover a scary movie is a must for her. She ll wake me up if she wants to use the restroom. I have to stand guard outside the bathroom door while she is in. She ll wake me up next to accompany her to the kitchen to get a drink of water. I'll offer to get it for her. But she wont be left alone in the bedroom while I am gone, even with the lights on. So we'll both go and bring a jug of water and a glass in case she gets thirsty again. She'll be startled awake at the slightest of sounds. We lived in a relatively quiet mumbai suburb. But still there would be the occasional car or bike that would pass by on the road outside. That sound would jolt her awake. How mad i would get. Now years have passed. We are both grown up. I live in India and she in an apartment in Torrance, alone. She has to stay by herself in the dark, escort herself to the bathroom or kitchen if she needs to at night, no matter how many scary movies she has watched. I wish for our childhood days back. When we shared a room, stayed up late talking, being scolded by mom for the same as we had to go to school/college the next day! How i miss all the things that would annoy me then!
i am not really a morning person. I never wake up early voluntarily. I always wake up late. I love sleeping in when i have a day off. Other days i am sleepy and disoriented when i am up before dawn to get dressed for school/work. I feel better after my customary cup of morning coffee. in fact i associate the smell of fresh filter coffee with the word dawn. My dad makes the best filter coffee. Back when i was in school, it was his task to make breakfast for the family. I would wake up to delicious smells from the kitchen Crepes, Pancakes, Toast, Omelets, and of course the coffee.
people are often jealous of others who have what they don't. To mask their true feelings they take to mud slinging and slandering. Now they sublimate jealousy into social networking sites. In a sense now self worth is tied to the comments and likes they receive on these sites.
I love hiking. Trails, wilderness, stepping over pebbles and stones, breathing in the cool crisp pure air....! thats the perfect therapy for mind and body. Just like music.!
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