Take it all and combine it and see what you get. I'm not telling you what you'll get. You have to see it for yourself. That's part of the magic...that moment when you see it come together...magic. Be sure to pay attention, close attention, so you can tell me all about it!
On days like today, I really appreciate have a shelter over my head. I can't imagine what it must be like for homeless people on good weather days, let alone on days like today with the temps low and the rain and the promise of snow. There are so many things to be thankful for.
Sometimes, it all depends on who is looking. Things look one way when you view them from one person's perspective and entirely different from another person's. If only we could all remember that our way is not always entirely the right way or the only way. Others' views are also valid.
Molly is acting strangely. She used to not go anywhere near anyone. I would have to coax her to let me pet her but lately, there is something going on. She keeps rubbing up against me and won't leave me alone. I think she's being sneaky about something. I just don't know what it is.
One of the things l look forward to during the holidays is a house full of laughter. That's the best. I don't care about the food or the gifts or anything else. My kids' laughter all around me is like heaven. That's what makes it all worthwhile. I am really looking forward to it this year.
When I saw the baby emerge from my daughter's womb, in the silence of the room, I had an epiphany. This is life. This is what it is all about.
I know how she feels. She thinks she's the only one. She thinks that no one knows what she is feeling; what she is going through. She's not the only woman to have been cast aside. She's not the only woman to have turned 50 and felt all alone. She's not the only one that can relate to being single.
He said he had lived in a castle as a child but never elaborated. It wasn't until it was too late that it was discovered what he had meant and where the castle was. If only he had told others about it, the secret may not have consumed him and he could have lived in that castle again.
I was hoping to go camping for the first time this past summer but it didn't work out. I have never been so I had a friend that was going to go and scout out the place and see what we would need for overnight camping but she couldn't go and with no scout, I didn't want to go alone. What a chicken I am!
I don't understand why some people will give their last dollar away to charity while some will take every last penny with them to their grave. I guess compassion is not a universal gift we are given when we're born. I wish it were. Imagine our world if compassion lived in each one of us.
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