
As soon as the sun touched his pale skin, he began to glimmer and shine, like those people you see applying shiny make-up before going to a rave party
"Rapunzel, rapunzel, let down your hair, and tell me who's the tallest in all of fantasia?"
"You are my queen, but you're getting your fairytale lines mixed up..."
Im so patient i didnt get to write anything until the meter expired.
"I can show you the world, shining shimmering splendid!" I want to sing that while im up in a roller coaster, just to make the stranger next to me uncomfortable and think im going to unbuckle his seatbelt while we're hanging 1000 feet off the ground.
Time is circular for me, maybe that's why im always late. I keep thinking once it goes around full circle, then Im considered early in a meeting.
That black autobot seems a little racist and stereotypical, doesn't he?
Everyone aspires to be on a stamp one day, even if snail mail is no longer used. They'll keep manufacturing stamps just to put people in it, and then you'll just have to stick it somewhere else, like on your monitor or on the dog's forehead.
Emptiness, lack of joy, lack of light, deprivation of something. Without is such a strong theme for poetry that few rarely use it. One day, I dare to use some of extreme "without"-themed words in my poetry, words like vortex, blackhole, oblivion and void. Preferably all in one sentence
I love wearing suits to work. They make me look like either a penguin, james bond or a suave waiter. And i love the many pockets too, it's like i'm wearing a giant black cabinet made of silk