My parents always kept me on a tight leash. No drinking, no drugs, no being out after dark... nothing.
After Penny everything changed.
She unlocked the doors of my perception
I couldn't believe that he had done it. Used me like that. Tears slid down my cheeks and landed on the lined paper below. Tiny puddles formed like fresh dew on a leaf. Soon the paper would turn dark and wrinkly.
Checkmate. The Queen and King were dead.
Back straight
Head high
Eyes forward
Hand stiff at the brow
Starched green fabric ironed to the crease
I rocked the glasses like they were the hottest trend. I kept getting sideways glances from suits on the street.
I carved the precious stone out of the necklace, being careful not to scratch the gold backing. Finally I had retrieved what should always have been my own.
I stored the amethyst in my pocket and walked out of the morgue.
It was a spike driven through my spine. A burning that filled my chest and worked its way up to my head.
I knew it before i really understood what had happened.
I would never walk again