D.A.T guy
i've just watched an acrobat do awesome tricks and cool flipse of awesomeness and coolness.
This new interview will be televised world wide and will be awesome because the new flying car comes out.
It's a scientific discovery of a lifetime, its a super, mega, awesome, unbelievable chemical that actually makes you lose weight.
welcome to the club where we can do what we want to do, and have awesome parties its awesome.
There was an attendance at the school about school safety and it was extremely boring, tiring, and made no sense.
The families around the world is awsome and cool to be in and they help make all of us happy and safe.
an evil gardener is planting an army of man eating plants to rule the world.
I have a watch that has an incredible value, and a house with a extremely more high value than the watch, but not as much as my plane.
I have priorities to go to a plane and travel around the world in 21 days and i will win the race, by the way what does priorities mean.
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