a sleeve is a part of your jacket or shirt that goes over your arm. I don't know anything else about it.
view means to look at something like my view is really good of the sea or, it can be used like my view is different from yours.
deserve means that you have earned something like a football championship. If you work really hard you deserve it.
Slouch means to bend over above the waist and it usually gives you a kink in you neck and back.
dim means to be not as bright so if something is not as bright it is dim. and i do not know if their is any thing else to deal with this.
study means to sit down and practice something like math you sit down and study it so you can get better at it. You also can study animals so you learn more about it.
an orchestra is like a band but their is a whole bunch of instruments everything from strings to brass instruments. i am not a fan of orchestras unless it is at like a fancy ball or anything fancy like that.
prints is something i do not know but i will try my best. i believe prints is like you handwrite in print wait i just had an imphany. prints is the printer a printer prints things like pictures or documents
autumn is the season right before winter and right after summer. autumn is cold but usually it doesn't snow a lot like winter does but it is not hot at all.
a combination is a group of something like a locker combination is a group of numbers and a combination of people is a group of people. or it could be like ice is a solid because the combination of cold and water.
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