I am an honest person. Honest. Except not really. Sometimes. When it suits me. Wow, I don't like what I'm writing. Little bo peep lost her sheep.. wrong story. That wolf one. With the boy.. uh yeah. Be good. be honest. its good for you. honestly! makes me think of little farm boys. what am I writing about. not feeling creative. honest. hahahahahah farm boys. bois. i lyk bois. mmmm. honestly. except maybe not always
dinosaurs are big and mean and scary. They are really super cool and I would love to visit one and maybe have tea. because tea is the best. I would read it a book about the future, and we would be friends. Pterodactyls are the best becaues they can fly. I would ask for a ride. It would probably eat me. I would be eaten be a dinosaur. but it wouldnt suck because what a cool way to die right? i mean maybe I could get a journal out in time or something so everyone would know how cool it was.