
I've seldom seen the word "seldom", not being from an english speaking country.I seldom write about the word instead with it.I seldom make such a worthless enty.
Complete reconstruction requires planning.Utter destruction requires passion.For creating we need estability, and for establishing chaos we need a heart.
I've been said I came across a little timid.Untrue.And I'm willing to guess it's untrue for most timid people you know.Perhaps the world inside their head is just better.Perhaps there is no good reason for coming out of it.Don't flatter yourself and assume they are afraid of interacting with you, maybe they just don't see why.
Not only stuck inside a body, but forever in your own soul shape. At the same time, never completely enjailed, free by definition.A prisioner, to your own freedom.
What's the complexity of the task anyways? It lays in the simplicity. One word, one minute. You're lost in the easiness while staring at an arrengement of letters. The complex part is that you can do anything with it.
She had heard the wind sing many types of music, but that specific night, it sang bluegrass.And the music filled her dreams with sweetness, embraced her in a dance, as it used to when sang by her mother.