
I got to get some bullets
I need to grab my gun
I'm going hunting
Hopeful i get a deer
Food on the table
Also some turkey
Maybe a hog
Rember you don't live to eat you eat to live
They made a new scientific discovery finely. They found a cure for the zombies. Now we can have peace again. It took long enough but they finely did it. No more zombies now i can get Zach back.
so i was accused of being a bad boy but they were wrong it wasnt me it was jose he broke a teacher phone and accused him
He was an outsider. The townspeople thought about killing him. But the council did not want to kill him because he was a man who could work and keep the unknown out.
There once was a house that was tall as a five story building it had endless rows of lights in the inside.
There are many angels in heaven each time a bell rings an angel gets its wings.
There was a loud boom i went to side to see what it was and it was a 5 story building on fire there was cries for help every ware. Then the fire trucks came and put the fire out.
There was a loud boom i went out to see what it was it was my car it blew up o no what do i do i don't have a car now i think i might cry what to do.
I like to cook my bacon in a cast iron pan because the cast iron pan is full of different flavors. i also like my eggs and sausage