The boiler room and furnace always figured large in school stories when I was young. it also loomed large in fundamentalist religions - burned in the fiery furnace was the fate waiting for sinners - doom and gloom all the way. I blame St Augustine - he was the chap who gave us a sense of sin and looming punishment. Nowadays we donj't anticipate quite such a nasty end.
Summer is a-coming in
loudly sing cuckoo
Cuckoo is just about right - we no lomger believe that summer will undoubtedly come - it might and it might not - cold summers, frozen winters, floods in various parts of the world the weather has no certainty any more. No wonder women have to buy lots of clothes - who knows what the temperature will be from one day to the next.
At the moment life is running me ragged. Little things loom large and knock me off balance and then along comes something really big and I am knocked sideways. Obviously what is needed is more stability - not solid hips so that you stand firm. I can do without those - just mental solidarity.
I needed support tto actually break into this website. i think it is a brilliant idea but would-be writers are not necessarily computer wizards. It took me nearly an hour to get everything right. Bring back simple web sites is what I say.