I have jury duty again. I sit and watch a video about how jury duty is so important then a judge comes in to tell us about the case. after an hour, the send us home only to come back another day. What a horrible process.
Like a thought that shouldn't be said, like a nail embedded in my brain. You are corrosive. You make be break down, I shouldn't let you break my barrier, for once you do.
Toned? What kind of a word is that? I have nothing to say. What can be toned? I have tone, am I toned. I have no idea. I believe i can get toned. How?
The bee buzzing around me. I bet everyone writes about a bee. But have you ever seen the really big ones, the hairy ones, that look like small mammals, with wings/ THey are scary. Extremely scary. And when they hit you, theres impact. Splashy, thudding impact.