
well right now I'm thinking of my ears and cheeks burning because I'm frustrated at work...only a little bit longer here. alternatively, I wish I was at burning man, I think that sounds like an incredible time. maybe one day.
i love my dad. he has made mistakes, but i dont think that the one i have in mind really had anything to do with me, and i have learned to look at him instead for the good things that he really has done. i am a lot like him, and i am grateful for those similarities: tan skin, artistic brain, being good at fixing things.
i think of habits, like eating too much white sugar or candy. my mother has always been so cautious about unhealthy eating patterns, and I'm glad she passed this on to me. also unhealthy mental habits- doubt, self-centeredness, etc.
savings is a nice and a scary word
scary because i know i should put more into it but nice because i know one day what i have will come in handy
i also think of all the strategies there are to add more savings, like a certain amount a day
maybe i will look up one of these and commit to it