I love going to the market. We have a small market in my college town. It fits in perfectly with the idea of small New England villages. We call it the DUMP because it is the Durham Market Place. Anyone whose not from here doesn't know what the DUMP is but anyone who has graduated from UNH does.
My brother saw a commerical yesterday for that booze and asked my mom if octopus were really that big. He is 20. I am 21 and still don't know. Hmmm
I am sitting in a seat in the library doing god awful computer applications homework. my favorite kind of seat is the one that is not too soft not too firm but lends back support for reading. I have a great reading seat in my room back at home. I wish i were there now. Not here in this wooden seat. Working.
This summer i septn two weeks kayaking around nootka island off of vancouver island. one day we reached a beach and i really had to pee so i ran up to where the forest me the beach about 200 yards and i looked over and there was a bear about 50 yards away looking at me....
I am about to go to bed and I have these really soft t-shirt sheets. They let me hide away from the world. I snuggle up inthem and make a cocoon and read or sleep or relax or cry or smile or whatever in them. I
For Christmas 2007 I bought my father a think flannel outdoor jacket to wear when he brings in wood. I was very excited because I knew he would use it for a long time. and he would think fo me. That was our last christmas together. He died that April. I was 18 years old. I don't know where the jacket is now but I know one day I will find it and I will cry. Thinking of the last Christmas gift I gave my father.