the heel of the mast made an uneasy creaking noise. my stomach churned, the insides of my body begging to get out, maybe to safety. I felt the ice cold fear coarse through my body, from my lower spine to my finger nails, I couldn't think straight. i knew i was scared, and i could see the terror on my crews faces, one big dark hollow pit, hoping for one single light to show them the way. i knew i had to be that light. all color showing no trace of coming back, i blinked as hard as i could, maybe trying to forget where i was, how i got here, and i let out a light-hearted laugh, letting that vibration of joy becon the tan color of my sun-loved skin back. we may have been about to pass a barrier known only to those at the end of life, but now we were ready.
i raised my weapon in the air. the wind brushed my face and under my breath i said the words, latin, greek, unheard of. no one knew their magic but me and my gruesome opponent. a loud light and a sharp ear-splitting scream followed my incantation. after theblue and grey freezing cold smoke lifted i saw my damage. the face of my enemy now became the terrified mauled face of my helpless victim. i was changed. and i liked it.