
The table was piled up high. Shiny platters littered the table. Barely any space to fit people around it. Oh the decadence. Oh the shame
It was a lazy kind of day. She dragged her feet underneath her, feeling all too lethargic. Maybe it was the heat of the sun pelting through the windows; not a breath of air coming through the shutters.
He grabbed her tightly. Supporting her. Wrapping her in his arms. He whispered something softly in her ear. But what; she didn't quite catch. And they let the world pass by.
She was pure gold. With a smile that lit up the room. You knew when she was around.
I see plenty of these coming through my door. Daily. Each one bruised and battered. Each one with a story to tell. Each one with a certain something that you just can't quite put your finger on.
You hurt my heart when you say nothing. It holds back my soul from letting it feel what it ultimately does. It tangles me in knots. It has no pretty bows. It just hurts my heart when you say nothing.
The page become a playground. The only place where one world could be lost, and another world created; where another reality could take form.
This starlit night is not bright enough to show me the details of your face. And my mind can't quite conjure up enough to form a vivid picture.
Life was flickering before their eyes. And yeh, people sat and watched. They nibbled on popcorn and giggled at the funny bits. I don't know if anyone stayed for the entire film though. Maybe it got too boring. Or maybe it just got uncomfortable.
Twisting and turning, she lost her way. Disoriented she stumbled, struggling just to stay on her feet. The wind was calling her name, but she couldn't quite make it to the shore.
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