Sports day at school. I ran all the way to the finish line with the egg on sitting firmly on my spoon - and then watched in horror as it wobbled and fell off just as I made to cross the finish line!
Edition. Newspaper edition. First edition. A first edition novel. That would be my dream come true. To write a novel and have it published. No doubt the dream of many people on this website...!
Ragged. Raggedy Ann Doll. Never owned one but love the idea of one. The thought of loving a precious toy so much that it gets all worn and raggedy from being hugged so much!
Good friends support one another. Great friends are the ones that stick around through thick and thin, the ones who don't ask questions but instead just sit by you when you're feeling down. New years resolution - get rid of bad friendships and be more appreciative of good friendships, they are invaluable.