What am I to you?
Am I simply a performer, dancing through impossible hoops? Even with wings, I cannot reach them. Yet you expect me to, and I would do anything for you.
Do my feelings mean anything, anything at all?
His sharp call of her name, a tug on her arm, and he pulled her away, away from the slivers of glass and collapsed pieces of wood and broken melody. That’s all he heard, a broken melody, various notes that no longer form a tune.
Somehow, the discordant sounds of the broken musicbox reminded him of his brother, the way he hummed in the shower, random tunes scattered here and there, like an indecisive heap of notes that stuck together.
How so much like him and her together. They were both broken notes, broken tunes, but somehow they managed to stick together all the same.
Like fragments of photos that somehow was able to find common boundaries... As if the photographer knew how to cut to make them fit in the most fitting way. They were just meant to be together
She tried to speak. But nothing come from her throat. Her voice had become obsolete from the lack of use. All those dark years alone... It was as if her silence stole her voice and left her mute and unable to tell him that she loved him
Like salted water, I will fill you but also leave you craving for more. I am your drink and your thirst; your food and your hunger; your wish and your desire. You are my fairytale and we are our happy ending
the pain of parting was too much for her. She never wanted him to leave.
"but," he told her, "as long as we are under the same sky we are always together. as long as we see the same sun, watch the same moon, and smile at the same stars, we'll always be connected. besides," he added.
He leaned forward and kissed her forehead ever so gently. "there is always next year"
I confronted the dark side of myself. then I banished it with the light of my forgiveness. I fought with my demons and let my angels sing. I took that pain to fuel my strength. it may not be your strength, but this is why I'm strong
She might not have made him talk like she had planned.
But he had smiled, a full-lipped, face-brightening beam. It was so genuine that she couldn't resist and smiled as well.
And, with that one universal gesture of acceptence, it was success in her eyes.
her plans were ruined the moment it began to rain. And she hated getting them ruined. But, for him, she went on with it. As she left, she locked the door.
He was waiting for her at the end of the street.
He handed her a piece of blue construction paper in the shape of a teardrop. When she opened it, it was red inside. And, after she turned it, she realized that it was a heart. So love could be born from tears or rain.
she knew that sometimes the best things are unplanned.